The workflow is:
* Open Chrome with UserProfile named “Profile 1” and open facebook, gmail, slack, team (one of my project) URLS
* Switch to another space
* Open Chrome with another UserProfile named “Profile 2” and open teams (another project of mine), issue tracker of that project
Attached is the output of my automator. Anyone can use it by extracting the *.app, moving it to Applications folder and then use it as regular app.
To edit the workflow:
* Start “Automator”
* Click on “Open an Existing Document”
* Select “”
* Edit and Save
This workflow can be started from launcher, or even you can bind a keypress to initiate the workflow execution.
]]>খাবার-দাবার :
বন্ধু-বান্ধব ও অন্যান্য:
আরও আনেক কিছু আছে। এখন মনে পড়ছে না। মনে পড়লেই আপডেট হবে।
]]>Before starting this we must read these two posts carefully.
We will use Jar to exe convert wizard 1.8 to convert our jar files to exe.
Step 1 : Install the software and run the wizard.
Step 2: Browse project.jar and press next.
Step 3: Select Console application or Windows gui application
Step 4: Select the Main class from where the software will start and keep “select a picture for splash window” blank.
Step 5: enable Support System tray and disable all others disable. [or, you can change as your requirements.]
Step 6: Add others Jars you have used like mysql-connector.jar . Usually these are on project/dist/lib/ if you are using Netbeans IDE.
Step 6: press Next and Finish.
Step 7 : We got the converted exe file of our jar file.
Thanks for reading this post.
Let’s start from #include
strlen(): int strlen(consts char *array)
A frequently used function and quite familiar to everyone is strlen() which returns the length of a character array passed to the function.
char arr[]=”This is a strlen function test. ”; Printf(“%d”,strlen(arr)); Output: 30
strcmp(): int strcmp(const char *a,const char *b)
This one is used for comparing two strings. It can be used on Big number comparison also.
char a[]=”ABC”; char b[]=”ABC”; char c[]=”AAA”; // now int x= strcmp(a,b) ; // x= 0 as a==b x= strcmp(a,c); // x>0 as a>c; 1st parameter> 2nd parameter x= strcmp(c,a) // x<0 as c<a; 1st parameter< 2nd parameter
Now what is the basis of comparison of this function and what does this comparison actually mean? This comparison actually means lexicographically comparison.
Each of the character has a ASCII value . and ASCII value thus ‘A’ is less than ‘a’
So if we compare them ‘a’ >’A’
Now let’s have a practice about this type of comparison .
1. strcmp( “abc”,”Abc” ) Output : >0
2. strcmp(“cow”,”woc”) Output: 0
4. strcmp(“cow”,”cowa”) Output: <0
Now have a look closely
A[]= “cow”
B[]= ”cowa”
If we see the memory we would see like this :
A[] :‘c’ ‘o’ ‘w’ 0 0
B[] :‘c’ ‘o’ ‘w’ ‘a’ 0
Now see place 0 : A[0]==B[0] // ‘c’
A[1]==B[1] // ‘o’
A[2]==B[2] // ‘c’
A[3]<B[3] // 0<’a’ by ascii value ( here 0 ,not ‘0’)
So,now strcmp return a value less than 0.
Thus strcmp(A,B)’y’ so it returns >0 value.
It will return 0 if and only if two strings are equal.
strcpy(): char *strcpy(char *destination,const char *source)
This function is used to copy 2nd string to 1st string.
char destination[]=”DEPT”; char source[]=”CSE”; strcpy(destination,source);
destination: “CSE”
source : ”CSE”
One thing is very important and should be remembered that Array size of destination must be greater than array of source, Else program may crash.
Now the question is why?
Look closely at the memory.
char dest=”cse”; // size is 4 considering the NULL
char source=”department”; // size is 11 considering the NULL
Is it possible ?
dest: memory size 4 (considering the NULL)
‘c’ ‘s’ ‘e’ 0
Source : memory size 11 (considering the NULL)
‘d’ ‘e’ ‘p’ ‘a’ ‘r’ ‘t’ ‘m’ ‘e’ ‘n’ ‘t’ 0
Now think is it possible to keep this 11 elements including NULL (0) in 4 sized array of “dest” ? so you have to ensure that the destination will be long enough so that no overflow occurs .
strcat(): char * strcat(char *a,const char *n)
This function is generally used for concatenation. If two strings are str1,str2 then,
char str1[100],str2[100]; gets(str1); // say input is “cse” gets(str2); // say input is “ rocks.”
strcat(str1,str2); puts(str1); // output : cse rocks. puts(str2); // output : rocks
1st string is changed and no change to 2nd one .
But here we also have to be careful about size of 1st parameter . As 2nd parameter is added to 1st one , size should be available otherwise overflow will occur.
memset() : void * memset ( void * ptr, int value, size_t num )
This function is very much helpful.If you want to initialize an array with a desired value then what you will do, just iterate.but memset support this with a single statement.
Lets see
int a[100]; // or char a[100] for(int i=0;i<50;i++) a[i]= ‘f’;
this may be done by also this:
memset(a,’f’,50*sizeof(a[0]) );
if any one want to insert whole array a single value than
A complete c code is also provided here for clarification.
#include#include int main () { char str[] = "almost every programmer should know memset!"; memset (str,'-',6); puts (str); return 0; }
strtok: char * strtok ( char * str, const char * delimiters )
strtok is a superb function indeed. According to me this function is more valuable than any other cstring’s functions. Now let’s see ,what is it ?
char str[]=”I am a cse student. Oh! Shit, I forgot to say my high CGPA.”
strtok= string tokenizer (:P)
If you want to tokenize a string by space ,’!’ ,’.’, ‘,’ or any characters then you can do it by strtok. Now what does tokenize means ? sometimes we take input of an array of a paragraph and we need to separate the words form it. In this case words are our token .
You can use strtok in this case.
char * p =strtok(str,” .,!.”);
now we are ready to get tokens :
1. I
2. am
3. a
4. cse
5. student
6. Oh
7. shit
8. I
9. forgot
10. to
11. say
12. my
13. High
14. CGPA
We have 14 tokens as we has given delimiters ” .,!.”
Here a c code is also provided for more clarification.
#include#include int main () { char str[] ="- This, a sample string."; char * pch; printf ("Splitting string %s into tokens\n",str); pch = strtok (str," ,.-"); while (pch != NULL) { printf ("%s\n",pch); pch = strtok (NULL, " ,.-"); } return 0; } Output: Splitting string "- This, a sample string." into tokens: This a sample string
This were frequently used string manupulating functions.
In c++ there is anothet header file algorithm.h which provides us many bullt-in function Which are frequently used by us. Here I am giving an example for describing some of them.
#include#include using namespace std; int main() { int a=10,b=15; //a=10 b=15 swap(a,b); //a=15 b=10 cout<< max(a,b)< There are many of these types of usuful functions in this header file.For further information see books.
There is another thing called STL which means Standard Template Library,another useful library of functions which makes programmer's job easier. This function provides with decrease of line of codes.
Frequently used container classes of STL :
1. vector
2. queue
3. string
4. stack
5. map
6. list
7. set
8. pairFore more about STL click here
Thanking for reading this,
Ujjal Suttra Dhar
মজার ব্যপার যা ঘটল,তা হচ্ছে আমার code টা nhahtdh ভাইয়ের থেকে ৫০% কম সময়ে output দিচ্ছিল। পরে অবশ্য উনি সমস্যা খুজে বের করেচ্ছিলেন উনার code এর।
এই ৩ দিনে আমার অর্জনঃ
2 টা WA ,
3 টা RE,
2 টা CE
9 টা TLE
logarithm ব্যবহার করে division জানতাম না আগে।।এইটা শিখে ফেললাম।
C++ এর String এ যা JAAN ভাইয়ের BigNumber এর যা code ছিল টা জ়াভা টে convert করে ফেললাম।
যদিও এই ২টার কোনটাই এইটায় লাগে নাই।
অবশেষে বাংলা-English এর মিশ্রণ এর জন্য খুবই দুঃখিত।