I am not sure if I am the right person or not to write this. Now I am going to share something with you that I know. Yes, These all are about the “Importance of programming” for the newbies. Here I will inspire you to be a good programmer, not the \u201cBoss\u201d of one of the C\/C++\/JAVA\/PHP or web developments and many others. Being a programmer means being well-developped logically i.e mathematically who can use any language whatever it is,to solve a real life problem efficiently. As I know, and I think everyone will agree with me that mathematics is the one and only way to solve any real-life problems (which are not defined impossible by the experts). As a Bangladeshi , It is a matter of shame that we are far from other countries in the race of mathematics which is an obstacle in the race of technological development. If you say,\u201cGod didn\u2019t give me a good brain,what can I do?\u201d, I will not agree with you. As my opinion, It\u2019s all about practice.We,the lazy people,passes our time doing nothing. A Proverb is said to be \u201cPractice makes a man perfect\u201d.
\nSo, What are you thinking now? Wanna start practicing mathematics and programming now? An Eiffel Tower can not be built in one night.So,you have to spend some of your precious times to gain the power to control your PC,the coming world of technology.now what to do? Let\u2019s go through some steps.<\/p>\n
Step 1:
\nFind some books on basic mathematics\/Number theory.
\n * Elementary Number Theory with Applications
\n -Thomas Koshy
\n *Concrete mathematics
\n -Donald Knuth <\/p>\n
Step 2: Here are some others OJs. Here are some of websites\/blogs which can be useful for you too. Problems solving with C: Now practice problem solving. You must attend free online contests to judge yourself.<\/p>\n
\nSelect an programming language to implement those mathematics you have learnt. Now-a-days, C,C++,JAVA are the most popular and widely used languages. If you are newbie ,I will suggest you to learn C because it is the most efficient and easiest language. Most of important softwares and Some of operating systems are developed in C.
\nIf you are not a student of CSE background,don\u2019t be afraid,because you can learn it easily. You can learn this from this book. Ya, all the newbies who are related to CSE,this book is also for you too.
\n *Art Of Programming contest<\/a>
\n * Programming with C
\n -Bayron Gottfried
\nStep 3:
\nNow you have learnt a little bit of mathematics, at least one of the programming languages, it\u2019s time go now. What to do? You have to solve problems.There are many Online judges,In which there are thousands of problem descriptions with the facility to judge your solution ,is it ok or not,I will mention \u201cIs the solution efficient or not\u201d.
\nAs you are newbie I will suggest you to use UVA<\/a> at first . For this you have to open an account on this site.you can browse<\/a> problems of their site. The first job of you to read the problem carefully,find the solution ,then code it.
\nWhat is coding? If you have learnt any of the programming languages, don\u2019t ask it again.You have to write a code which will take input and provide with outputs as the problem description. After login you have to submit your solution to the onlinejudge.That machine will judge your solution in RE (runtime error),TE (time limit exceede),WA (wrong answer),PA (presentation error) and AC (accepted).
\nWhen submitting,you have take some measures which will be described below.
\nYou can track your progress from here<\/a> .
\nAfter solving some of problems,you should not be limited only in a single judges.<\/p>\n
\n *SPOJ<\/a>
\n *Light OJ<\/a>
\n *Topcoder<\/a>
\n *Codeforces <\/a> <\/p>\n
\n *Smilitude<\/a>
\n * UVA FORUM<\/a><\/p>\n
\nA sample code for submitting a problem is given below.
\nint main()
\nint testcase,input,I,j,k;
\n\/\/your solution exists here
\nIf(input ==2)
\nprintf(\u201cNot two\u201d);
\nreturn 0;